Diva Cooking 101

Divas cook gorgeous things that are fabulous enough to share with friends and family. They just don't cook much. Every diva needs a few, easy signature dishes to get by. Are you a diva cook?

Divas cook while listening to Billie Holiday, Muddy Waters, or the Rolling Stones.

Divas cook while sipping Champagne, Chardonnay, or a martini.

Divas cook with a feather boa draped around their shoulders.

While cooking, divas nibble gin-soaked olives or Champagne-saturated strawberries.

Divas cook while wearing an apron that says, "Tomorrow is another Chardonnay."

A diva's favorite breakfast is last night's appetizers.

Divas don't stress over particular amounts in any recipe. Glugs, plops, and handfuls are accurate enough.

Divas can cook with boas because diva recipes do not require many steps. Still, the food is fabulous.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Republic Cafe on Elm

This place is fabulous. It is a European style cafe in our own Manchester, NH. I cannot wait to go back. The idea behind this fairly new eatery is food goes from farm to table. They keep a chalkboard list of the farms they buy their food from.

I went for lunch and tried to keep my meal light (and my weight down), but I ended up eating every bit of my panini. Half would have been fine for lunch, but it was so tasty, I devoured every crumb. I ordered the Grilled Zucchini that also had roasted red peppers and various other gorgeous flavors like feta cheese.

My husband ordered the Chicken Panini, an unusual choice for him since he is not crazy about goat cheese. I tried a bite of his. It was very good, but mine was better. Both came with a modest side salad instead of the usual fries and starches available everywhere else.

On top of everything else, the prices are reasonable. Our paninis were $6.50 and $7.50. The highest priced item on the menu is $22.

The owners, Claudia Rippee and Edward Aloise, are the former proprietors of the most missed Cafe Pavone in the Millyard. According to their website (http://republiccafe.com ) their menu "will convey our culinary philosophy which focuses on quality ingredients, is seasonally appropriate, and is respectful of its sources." Bravo. I will be back soon to sample the Mussels Provencel, the North African Spiced Vegetables, and the Monkfish (Monkfish in Manchester!!) Puttanesca.

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